I am unable to get the channel to change on my T.V. by the universal remote or by manually changing it with the channel up and down buttons located on the front of the T.V. The T.V. stays on a blue screen with the words "Video 2" being displayed. I am unable to watch my cable T.V. and at this time can ONLY play D.V.D's. Can you tell me what I need to do to correct this problem? Thank you.
Look for a button on the front of the TV that says INPUT, EXT, or something similar. Press it until your cable signal returns.
If your TV doesn't have an input button, then it probably got changed from your universal. Look for something similar on your remote, or provide the make and model so we can look up what button it is. If you're unsure, snap a few digital photos of your remote and post them. Make sure you can the buttons labels though.
Thank you for your help. I will try that tonight.
What I discovered last night is that the "Menu" is locked. I am unable to change certain functions which are colored in red and will not let me access them. Here is some information I have on this Sanyo T.V. Could you please help me in finding a way to unlock my T.V.
Model # DS27510
Chassis # 27510-00
Month and Year is March of 2002
Serial # V2100256262199
Hope this helps out.
If the TV is still in video mode, non-applicable functions are probably not accessible. If you are still stuck on the blue screen, all you need to do is press the input key (left of the power button) on the remote.
If you continue to have trouble, I would recommend you reset the TV to factory settings and start fresh. To do this, press the reset key on the remote control twice. Unplug the display, wait 20 minutes, and plug in again. When you turn in the TV, you'll need to rescan your channels and change your personal preferences.
Sanyo- DS27880
Chass# 27880-00
Blue Screen, screen says Video
No picture, no sound and I have no remote with this tv, but I have direct tv and a remote with that, what can i do
correction oon the serial number
The model number you provided does not exist on the Sanyo support page, but if it is similar in operation to DS27810, DS27820, or DS27830 then your TV is set to view an external input. You need to press the INPUT button on the remote control.
Now, I understand you said you don't have one. There is no clear picture of the front of your TV. There may be an INPUT button. If not, you can try resetting the TV by leaving it unplugged for 4 hours, looking for an INPUT button on your direcTV remote, buying a universal remote that has the functions you need, or purchasing a replacement OEM remote.
Hello. I have a Sanyo DS27930 with the same problem. The screen is blue, with "Video1" in the corner, and cannot be changed. I have no remote, and the TV has no "input" button.
My remote no longer works and we've left the tv unplugged for days... the lock feature is on (we have young kids..they likely are the reason the remote no longer works). Fortunately, when you plug the tv in it turns on and it was left on CTV which is covering the Vancouver Olympics. (Old Sanyo AVM-27fs6)
If you have any other Ideas for unlocking the t.v.'s front controls. We would appreciate being able to watch a movie or playing wee again.
There is one more way to get your tv out of video mode is nothing else works. Hook it up to an old vcr. Program the vcr to you tv set channels. There should be an input button on the vcr remote. Press that button several times and eventually it should work. This worked for me when nothing else would.
I have a Sanyo DS-20930, stuck on video -02, my remote is universal, and it's
new, have no input button on Tv, so do you advise i unplug my TV for 4 hours.
I bought a used Sanyo tv and it has no remote with it. I am trying to hook up out DVD/VCR player to it, but are unable to get DVD's or VHS tapes to play on tv. The manual says to push "input" button on remote. I have programmed a universal remote which turns tv off and on, changes channels and volume, but when I press the input button on that remote, it does noting. Do I have to have the remote that came with the tv? If I do not have that, is there a button on the tv itself so I can switch to DVD/VCR?
Do this: You need to get an old VCR with a remote control for the VCR. Press the input button on the VCR remote several times.
There is one more way to get your tv out of video mode is nothing else works. Hook it up to an old vcr. Program the vcr to you tv set channels. There should be an input button on the vcr remote. Press that button several times and eventually it should work. This worked for me when nothing else would.
I have a Sanyo TV 2002...it is stuck on Video! with blue screen! when I push menu on the TV (not the remote)! This shows in RED: how can I get back to the TV......
CH. Search +
CH. Scaan Memory +
I have a sanyo, not sure the model. I don't have the remote for it, so I use the direct tv remote for my direct tv and the sanyo. The problem is the screen is too dark, and I somethings I have trouble seeing, I have pressed teh menu button on the remote, but I seem to be unable to change anything. If anyone knows anything please share.
Thank you,