My mp3 player doesn't work anymore. It was working fine, then all of a sudden the computer won't read it and the light lights up but then fades. Then I try to plug it back into the player and it won't play. It just keeps telling me to "Insert Cruzer" Please help.
Here's a few things to try.
1. Try a different USB port
2. Remove all references of the Cruzer from your computer, and try to reinstall it.
3. Make sure Cruzer Lock isn't on.
4. Try replacing the battery in the MP3 counterpart.
5. Try the Micro on another computer.
Give those a shot and post back with what happens.
I DID... ALL OF THOSE... Any reason why my usb light doesn't go on?
If it doesn't work on another computer, there's a good chance it's just broken. USB drives are tough as nails, but they can break. I've already been through 2 over the years.
When you say you "just got it", how soon are we talking. A week, a day, 3 months?
If you bought it recently, it should be under warranty still. Take it back before the warranty runs out and get a new one!
I got it. For some reason, every other comp doesn't work with it but my brother's comp brought it back to life. And I don't know why, but now it works. thanks to you guys