Hey... I have a sony home stereo with 5 disc cd player, about 10 yrs old. While playing cd's, it sounds as though the cd's are skipping. (like a scratched cd would) Thinking I had a scratched cd, I bought a new cd, played it on the way home in my truck (sounded great) I played it in my home stereo and the same thing happened again. I opened up the stereo cleaned the lense with rubbing alchohol and a q-tip. Needless to say that did not solve the problem. Everything else on the stereo works fine. Can anyone give me some advice on what the problem is or how to fix it please?
Johnny, how old is the player and how much would you say it gets used? Your best guess.
Um.. Not used a whole lot. It has been in storage at times and just not used at times and I guess after it sat for about a year or less I started using it everyday while working out. And like I said it's about ten years old. I bought it in 96.
Oh yeah... thanks for the quick response Matt! Hope you can help me fix this issue so I don't have to pay shipping costs for the store I bought it from to ship it out to be diagnosed. Thanks again.
First off, I assure you it's not worth repairing. Besides, I doubt that parts are even available for it anymore. Even if you want to have it diagnosed, you don't have to ship it to the store you bought it from. Just take it to any authorized Sony service center in your area. I'm sure you live within 10 minutes of one... and I don't even know where you live!

At ten years old, I'd say you've gotten good value from your purchase, and can replace it with something new. If it's an all-in-one, it's time for a new bookshelf system. If it's a component CD player, you're not talking big bucks to replace. Check these out.
Thanks Matt, yeah I know I wouldn't have to ship it to the store I bought it from. They told me it would have to be shipped out from the store to be looked at. It is all in one with a mini disk component and seperate speakers. Basically I know I could replace it and I am aware of the the pros and cons decision with costs, but what I'm looking to find out is what is causing the problem? Why does it sound like the cd is skipping?
I agree with matt on this one...if you have already cleaned the lens and it's skipping it may need a new optical pick-up. Probably not worth to fix it..just get a new unit.