I have a vivitar 3370 i received as a gift and it just started to take pictures way to bright i have checked all the settings they all seem to be ok and the video doesnt record in bright so it is fine does anybody have any suggestions besides skipping it across a lake
Thanks Kevin
Hi Kevin,
Can you double check the model number? I don't see many references to a Vivitar 3370 anywhere on the web.
Can you post a picture taken from the camera? Maybe we can give you some ideas if we see how the shots are turning out.
Yeah it is a 3750 i was way off and as soon as i can post a pic iwill Thanks
Here are a few pics i took with my digital
Hmmm.. Those certainly don't look so good. Though the puppy is cute.
What's his/her name?
I've got a few things for you to check on your camera.
1. First, it looks like the white balance is off. Check the white balance setting, and try the automatic mode first. If that doesn't seem to help, try a few of the other options and see if it makes any difference to how the pictures look.
2. It looks like the images are overexposed. Set EV compensation to 0, and if it's still not perfect adjust it down slightly.
3. Worse comes to worse, you can save off your images and factory reset the camera. There's an option in the menu to do this.
4. It may sound silly, but make sure your finger isn't slightly covering the flash lens when you take a picture. This will reflect a reddish hue back into the camera lens.
Try those and post back with your results.
My pups name is harley i have tried everything it always turns out the same i have run out of ideas any of what else i can do i have tried all those things thanks for your help Matt.
If the camera was received recently, you can try to exchange it at a retailer that sells Vivitar. Many retailers can exchange based upon the manufacture date if a receipt is not available as in your case. Also, drop an Email to Vivitar, explain the problem and put the ball in their court. Dan
Bummer to hear those didn't work for you. I agree with Dan that the camera is in need of repair or replacement. His advice to try and exchange it at a store or contact Vivitar is about all you can do at this point.
Best of luck, and keep us informed on how it goes.