TiVo Spam Machine Revs Engines

In case the TiVo Central banners, Now Playing List banners, Music & Photos menu banners, banners after recordings, and commercial button overlays weren’t enough, TiVo’s now pitching ads that render while programming is paused:

Using the TiVo Pause Menu, advertisers can, for the first time, reach audiences with targeted product messages displayed within the pause screen of a Live or Timeshifted program. The feature provides an original solution for advertisers seeking to capture the fast-forwarding viewer. It’s another example of how TiVo offers unique and different solutions for advertisers looking to get viewers to watch advertisements

I get the need to increase revenue through advertising, however TiVo’s losing subscribers and should proceed cautiously in the ways (and frequency) that they spam us. After all, their ability to pitch ads will diminish should their customer base continue to shrink. At the moment, only Series2 owners are subjected to the new intrusion - as part of the 9.3.2 update. However, it’s safe to assume Series3 and TiVoHD units will receive a similar treatment in the near future.

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