Replacing My TiVo Series 3 Power Supply

A few days ago I pulled the power cord on my TiVo Series 3. As I’ve done several times recently, I was taking my Series 3 to a friend’s house to see how many over-the-air HDTV channels TiVo could receive in his neighborhood. Embarrassingly, when I got to my friends house, plugging the S3 in yielded only a a soft, staccato tick, tick, tick. Later, at home, I removed the cover and isolated the ticking as coming from the power supply. Happily, a quick Goggle search lead me to this Weaknees trouble shooting page where I identified the sound as a classic sign that the TiVo’s power supply was caput. A few emails back and forth with Weaknees support and I was off - ordering the replacement power supply for $99 USD and having it shipped overnight via UPS to Canada for another $49.52 USD. Replacing the power supply was simple and took only 5 minutes. Anyone can do this.

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