TechLore is simply short for Technology Folklore. The goal of the TechLore community is to capture and preserve the knowledge of the digital ages, specifically as it relates to consumer electronics.
From where we sit, this seems necessary and perhaps even inevitable. We hear the same story over and over again:

The answers are out there or if they're not, they soon will be. Every day, new experts are quickly becoming the go-to technical help for everyone fortunate enough to be near them. If you are one of the experts, then you are no doubt familiar with questions like these. If you are not the expert, then you likely have one or two people you routinely call on to get those answers.
But let's face it, no one is an expert on everything and it is not feasible that any one person can keep up with all the advances and innovations in the consumer electronics space. And while these experts do exist, there are not enough of them in your immediate vicinity and certainly not every time you need them.
We started TechLore to address this growing need. Being go-to guys ourselves, we understand the small communities of knowledge that spring up in pockets all over the world. Our goal is to create a single place for these folks to come together and share their knowledge with everyone.
The TechLore Community caters to the experts and encourages them to show off their skills so that the rest of us can leverage a much broader and deeper pool of wisdom.
So in short, we are building a community where the collective wisdom of the day is passed on through oral and written form. Come, Join TechLore and...
- Find answers to your questions
- Contribute your knowledge
- Share your experiences
- Voice your opinions
..but most of all enjoy your experience.
Getting to Know TechLore
For many of you, the look and feel of this site will be different from anything you've ever experienced before. is not built upon the "off-the-shelf" software packages you've been accustomed to over the years. We at TechLore felt a community should include more than forums, or be more than "just a blog". Sure, we could have taken the easy way out, and tied a site together using the same "off the shelf" packages that everyone else uses, but then nothing would be seamless, and the term "community" would be replaced by "another newsgroup" or "another forum".
TechLore is built from custom platform focused exclusively on the community experience, seamlessly bringing together everything a community should have. Blogs, forums, articles, tips, groups, private messaging and other powerful tools that make being a member of an online community take on a whole new meaning. This is what a community is supposed to be like.
Of course, we also understand that anything different from the norm takes a little getting used to, so we thought it would make sense to help point out a few ways to get started in out new community.
How to Get Started
The first thing you should do, if you haven't yet already, is become a member. Joining TechLore is completely free, and only takes a moment. Browsing the site doesn't compare to the enjoyment you get from interacting with a bustling community.
The next thing you should do is fill out your TechLore profile. A community of screen names is about as much fun as a Star Wars convention without Wookies. In your profile, add a picture of yourself or something that represents you. It will be your identity here and will appear next to every post you make. You should also add a few lines about yourself in the bio box. There's more, but we'll let you discover the rest of the options for yourself.
Once you've taken care of your profile, you're all set to interact with the community. How can you do this? Find an article that interested you and throw in your two cents in the article's discussion thread. Or, mosey on in to the Community Forums and introduce yourself. Find a discussion that perks your interest and join in, or start a whole new discussion thread of your very own. Whichever you choose, you're bound to meet some friendly folks, share your opinion, and maybe learn a thing or two while you're at it!
Welcome to the TechLore Consumer Electronics Community. Have fun!

Brandon, I posted a TV
Brandon, I posted a TV problem today, I dont know what happened, looks it posted about 12 times.I cant find a way to delete them. I appoligise for it.
I did notice the site was running slow, maybe my PC.
[email protected]
[email protected]
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