Using your big screen or other TV's instead of computer monitor

In Collier County, FL schools, we're encouraged to pull technology into the classroom to enrich the curriculum. I routinely explore web sites with my entire class or prepare class presentations using MS Power Point, and send the A/V to our classroom TV's or projectors so that the size is large enough for all to see.

You can take anything that you have on your PC and share it with a large group with a cheap box available at Radio Shack or other electronic gizmo store. It's called a Video RF Modulator, and it's basically a switch box where you plug in the flat-ended cables for S Video that you see in PC's, camcorders, and cameras on one side and the coaxial cables like your cable TV signal into the other. If your kids play video games, you can plug the TV feed from those into this type of box as well, and then just switch everything on and off from the box instead of moving cables around.

They run $20-$40.

Need more info? see the article here in techlore on adding inputs to old TV's at


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