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My TV Buzzes When There's Too Much White

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...


The TV at my place of work will make a loud, annoying buzz when ever there's too much white on the screen. I searched the tips section of this web site and found nothing related. I'm not sure if this is something that can be fixed or not, but it's rather bothersome.

-submitted by JackB

How Many Songs Are Supposed to Fit on My MP3 Player?

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...


We bought an MP4 player on ebay from Hong Kong, and it says it holds 99 songs. However, after loading 5 songs it says its full. When there are no songs loaded, it says 97 percent of the player is full of recorded files. Can we get these recorded files off and how?

Ask the Experts: Which Portable Video Player is Right For Me?

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...


I am going to buy a new portable video player, and am confused as to which one, considering the prices. I have a Canon S2IS, which has JPEG EXIF 2.2 image format, and I want to know which of the players are compatible: Zen Vision W60, Archos 504/604, Cowon A2, or Vosonic VP8360. Also, do these players work like an iPod using a Monster Cable playing through FM radio in a car?

-submitted by pbailey

Is Free TV Going Away For Good?

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...


When HDTV becomes standard, and all the channels change, how do we get ordinary TV over an antenna without exorbitant charges from a cable or DirecTV service?

-submitted by lordbasil

Winding Your Cables

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...


I recently tried to upgrade my audio on my satellite box by switching to an optical audio connection. However, I couldn't seem to get it to work. The cord that I used was rather long, so I wound it up with a twist tie so the cord wasn't all over my floor. In diagnosing the problem, I tried unwinding the cable and it worked fine!

My TV is Missing the Red Connector!

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...


My mother has a Sylvania SSC192 TV/VCR combo. I bought her a DVD player for her birthday, and I can't help her connect it over the phone. Her TV/VCR unit only has a place for the white and yellow connectors, but not the red. Plus, her remote does not have a button to switch from TV to video. Help please!!!

-submitted by misty



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