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My T.V. is like totally broken! Last year my little sister pushed the power button all the way inside of the T.V. but you could still turn it on with the remote. If need be you could also use a pen and kind of poke the power back on by sticking the pen inside of the T.V. and finding the displaced power button. Well, no worries, right? Wrong! Today my little sister decided to hide the remote and so to turn off the T.V. I had to use the old pen method. Well something went wrong and now its like we can't get cable. The screen does that whole black/white hissing thing and although I can still flip through the channels there are no show or receptin. Please help me figure this thing out!!!

Nevermind ya'll. I contacted

Nevermind ya'll. I contacted a T.V. repair man and it was almost as if me talking to him instantly fixed the problem because now it works!!! Yay, hooray!!!

Jeff Block
Sounds like handcuffs or

Sounds like handcuffs or other little-sister restraints could be of use too. ;-)

Can I install a Transformer

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on my magnavox tv it all the

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I received a dvdr3355 for

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