First of all, I love this site. I have found quite a bit of useful information pertaining to my problem and am very appreciative to everyone who takes their time to help other out.
Now, I'm in a bit of a pickle and I new your help...
It all started when my Toshiba 57HX81 refused to turn on one morning. I was getting the infamous red blinking LED on the front panel. My research on this website lead me to open up the unit, brush the dust off of my digital multimeter, and perform a few troubleshooting issues. Upon testing I found that both F850 and and F851 were blown. I replaced both fuses, successfully turned on the tv, and after 10 seconds, same problem; blinking red LED. I tested the same F850 and F851 and confirmed they had blown again.
Next I attempted to replace both STK392-110 convergence ICs. I successfully performed this step, replaced the offending and fired up the tv again. No dice. This time I found F850 and F852 blown. F851 is perfectly intact.
Now, I don't know how to proceed next. I really could use some advice.
Also, I couldn't find a vendor that carried those exact fuses. I simply used LittleFuse PICO fuses rated the same as the ones that were blowing. I'm assuming this is not adding to my problemsl correct?
Please advise, I'm getting desperate.
Thanks again for eveyone's help.
Rather than edit my original post, I though I would comment instead (in case someone else has the same problem.
2007-01-13 update: I have located the source of the F852/F850 faults. A jumper wire that feeds +32v on the Signal board appeared to have a poor joint (cold solder). I repaired this joint and was successfull in powering up the TV. No fuses blew but I now have a new problem; I have no picture. The TV responds to pressing the power button but nothing else on the remote.
Can anyone offer advice on this one now? Please?
Hi There, I am wondering how this panned out, I am having the same issue as you did, but I have not replaced the convergence chips yet. Thank you, Keith
Hi There, I am wondering how this panned out, I am having the same issue as you did, but I have not replaced the convergence chips yet. Thank you, Keith