Greetings TechLore Members and Visitors! Welcome to the new home of TechLore's "Ask The Experts", where real technology experts will share their knowledge of gadgets and gizmos by answering real-life technology questions sent in by TechLore members.
Ask your questions directly to our Community Experts! Check back each week for a new question and answer, or subscribe today via RSS.
In order to help familiarize yourself with the program, please read our frequently asked questions below:
How long has Ask The Experts been around?
It first started when TechLore launched in December of 2004, and has become one of our most popular features. To date, our experts have answered more than 150 user submitted questions ranging from MP3 players to surge protectors... and everything in-between.
How does Ask The Experts work?
Do you have a question that you just can't seem to get answered? Does every explanation you get involve acronyms and terms that you just don't understand? TechLore Experts are here to help. Submit your technology question to the experts. Each week, one of our experts will answer a submitted question right here in the "Ask The Experts" column.
What Questions Will Be Chosen?
We wish we could answer everything, but TechLore Experts receive hundreds of questions a month, and it's just not possible to answer them all. Typically, TechLore Experts will focus on answering questions that are applicable to almost everyone. TechLore Experts also focus on questions that are geared toward understanding something about technology, or deal with how to do something with a device you have.
What Questions Will Not Be Chosen?
TechLore Experts will not answer some types of questions through the Ask The Experts feature. These include:
- Questions asking how to repair or diagnose broken electronic devices
- Ethically controversial questions
- See more...
If you have a question like any of the above, you are free to post your question to the Community and see if another member will answer you, or you can try our Live Support feature powered by
What can I do to help improve the chances my question will be answered?
Make sure you provide as much information as you can to answer your question. This may mean you need to include a brand or model number of the device you're referring to, information on how you're using the device, etc.
Also, please be clear and articulate in your question, and elaborate when you can. It doesn't need to be college level essay material, but good enough that we can understand what you're asking.
When will new questions be answered?
Typically, a new Ask The Experts answer will be posted each week, so check for new answers frequently!
Can I subscribe to Ask The Experts via RSS?
YES! For the Ask The Experts RSS Feed, click here.
What happened to the older Ask The Experts answers? Are they still available to read?
Yes. All Ask The Experts answers prior to March 22nd, 2007 were posted as articles to the site, and will not show up in the All Entires view for this column. For your convenience, you can find older Ask The Experts answers posted to TechLore here.
I'd like to become involved in Ask The Experts. Is that possible?
We are always looking for new expert volunteers that will help answer questions on TechLore. If you are interested in becoming a TechLore Expert, please contact us via the feedback form.
Where do I submit my question?
You can submit your question here. You must be a TechLore Member to submit a question to the Experts. TechLore is completely free to join, and registration is simple. To join TechLore, click here.