Got something to say? Want your very own soapbox to stand on and shout out your opinions? Want to report the latest happenings in technology? You can do all of this and more with your very own blog right here on!
Starting today, we are opening up blogging to TechLore Community! Why buy a domain, find a host, go through all the effort and cost of promoting it, and handle all the maintenence when TechLore can handle it all for you... absolutely free. Best of all, TechLore already has thousands of visitors each and every day, so what you say will be heard, and that's what's most important.
Ready to get your opinions out there? Want to have your thoughts featured all over the site and in the TechLore Newsletter? Read on to learn how you can apply for your own blog right here on TechLore.
How To Get Your Own TechLore Blog
First, blogs will only be given to TechLore members, but that's also totally free so just go join up already!
Next, we need to get the blog details. We are open to all kinds of cool blog ideas, so be creative and let us know what you have in mind.
To make the request, drop by our feedback page where you can shoot us a request to get a blog. Select "Other" in the drop down box, and for gosh sakes, please don't click the anonymous checkbox (we need to know who's asking and have a way to contact you!).
In the box, let us know what the blog is about, how often you expect to post, and a few more details, specifically:
1. The title of the blog (Jim's Corner, MP3 News, etc.)
2. The blog description (a one paragraph introduction of the blog. See the blogs page for examples)
3. The registered e-mail address or display name on your TechLore account.
4. An example first post (one or two paragraphs).
That's it! We'll contact you withing a day or so with an answer and further instructions. If you run a heavy junk mail filter, make sure you're set up to receive e-mail from and e-mail addresses.
Blog Notes
We'll be honest, not everyone who makes a request will get a blog (we are talking about giving you access to thousands of readers, so we reserve the right to be a little choosy). We prefer bloggers to have some writing ability... we don't expect nobel prize caliber writing, but you should be able to spell check, use punctuation, and have some basic grammar skills.
TechLore is a gadgets and technology focused site, and while we have no problem with some off topic personal posts, you should head to MySpace if you only want to talk about your dog or favorite foods. We expect all blogs to maintain a focus that coincides with the rest of the site.
What are you waiting for, here's your chance to step into the spotlight! Apply for your very own TechLore Blog today!