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When tablets were first introduced to markets around the world consumers began to eat them up. Soon after many consumers realized the size of their tablet was rather uncomfortable and the industry responded with smaller versions of their tablets. Well, looks like we are going back to the big league (or at least that is what Samsung believes).
First they were big, then they were small, and now they are ginormous! As apple is set to release the iPad Pro this November with its 12.9” display, Samsung seems to have taken this whole size matters thing overboard by announcing its new Galaxy View. The new Galaxy View is a horrendous 18.4” tablet which from the looks of it comes with an attached stand in the back so that you can prop it up.
It is just my thought that consumers may find this new device to be somewhat over whelming and only practical for a very small amount of individuals. Samsung has not announced when this new tablet will be available to the public or its cost but it should be an interesting introduction.
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