
What On Earth Do I Do With All My CDs?

Your monstrous collection of compact discs has gotten a little out of hand. Billions upon billions of them are scattered throughout your home. They used to be the top-of-the-line in sound quality. Times have changed. MP3s have taken over. And now you have no idea where to put all your CDs or what to do with them. So what do you do?

Surge Protectors 101

It had a rectangular body with a snake-like appendage that connected it to a plug on the wall. A number of helpless electrical devices plugged into the rectangular brick that was its power source. Its name was Surge Protector–the guardian of computers and electrical appliances, and preserver of operational voltaic doohickeys.

Noise Cancelling Headphones - Hear More on Any Budget

Someday, I hope portable music lovers figure it out... you don't have to settle for the crappy headphones that came with your player! In the world of headphones, you can do much, much better. At the very least, a ten to twenty dollar pair of headphones is a cheap way to get a heck of a lot more enjoyment out of your music. The problem: take those regular ol' headphones anywhere else but your quiet living room or the public library, and you'll realize your true enemy... the world.



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