
The Past, Present and Future of Blu-ray

Dash Express: First Impressions of My New GPS

I've been waiting for this particular gadget for many months, and unlike some of the other early reviewers, I was not privy to any early sneak peaks; my enthusiasm was based only on what I'd read and watched (they had great early videos) on the net. Still, it was clear to me that this was going to be a breakthrough device.

[stepping up onto soapbox...]

Clean up your tags with BeaTunes - good data is good for you.

Everyone with a digital music collection of any size has this problem: their music tags are far from perfect. Maybe it's because you ripped the songs from a CD before it was in cddb or one of the other directories, maybe there was no cddb back when you took your first steps into digital audio, maybe your ripper didn't do a good tagging job - remember MusicMatch Jukebox?



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