
Why Buy a Second TiVo?

Recently, I have circled back with many of my fellow TiVo-ers and discovered that, like me, many have opted for a second TiVo for their household. While anyone who has discovered the DVR phenomenon will certainly understand how two TiVos can be better than one, it may surprise even TiVo advocates just how many different -- and good -- reasons there are to double up.

His and Hers

Understanding Amplifier & Receiver Power Specifications

It's no secret that it takes a lot of knowledge to truly understand the world of home audio, which is littered with confusing numbers and terms. Wattage, current, distortion, frequencies, and impedance are just a few of the specifications anyone looking for an amplifier of home theater receiver is going to come across. With the thousands of choices in each category, it takes a little bit of background to use these specifications to make a great choice.

The Community Approach

If you are like us, you already have a bunch of questions about gadgets that you already own or about products you expect to purchase in the next few months. There are three ways that we have found in order to get the answers that you are looking for:

  1. Go it Alone - through exploration, experimentation, and trial-and-error, you can always learn the hard way. Sometimes it pays off to spend the time to investigate it yourself but in many cases, this is the longest and hardest road.



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