WS-65613 error code 22

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WS-65613 error code 22

A friend of mine has a Mitsu 65613 that is flashing code 22 short protect.

Is there a troubleshooting guide on this? He has the repair manual and it mentions code 22 but never states what the causes may be.

 I have not looked at the set yet but was hoping there is a detailed guide for the errors and test points to check. I have read the common problem to be the STK392-250's to be a problem but would like the prove that before just replacing.

 He also had a repair shop replace the 4 caps that typically go bad about 6 months ago or so.

 Thanks, i can be emailed at omzig at yahoo dot com


More info as i have looked at

More info as i have looked at the power board and the F9A05F fuse is blown . All other fuses are ok. Diodes 60 and 61 are ok


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