LG TV remote control problem

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Frank Allen
LG TV remote control problem

Can anyone help?

I was attempting to use a hack code for all regions on my Sony DVP NS355 following instructions acquired on the net. They required the use of an 'all for one' remote control.

I obviously did it wrong and before I had completed the first steps (The point in the instructions where I was required to punch in 0-5-3-3) I realised that the remote control that belongs to my LG 32LX2R flat screen LCD television no longer worked. I appear to have upset the factory settings in the TV. How can I bring it back to the settings that make it work with ts own remote?

Larry Dillon
I am sorry I do not fully

I am sorry I do not fully understand the problem.  Is there a problem now with the TV set?  If there is, what is the problem? What is the TV doing or not doing now?  Or is there a problem with the LG remote controller?  We need some more info please.

Frank Allen
Larry, I hope you got my mail

Larry, I hope you got my mail regarding you query. I added detail as requested. If you didn`t please let me know and I`ll repeat. Thanks. Frank Allen

Frank Allen
Frank Allen said: Larry, I

Frank Allen said: Larry, I hope you got my mail regarding you query. I added detail as requested. If you didn`t please let me know and I`ll repeat. Thanks. Frank Allen

Larry, further to my preevious mail it seems obvious my last one with the details of the problem didn`t get posted so I`ll put it down again here.

I was attempting to use a hack code to make my Sony dvd player (NS355) multi region. The solution, obtained from a hacking advice site on the web gave a long list of instructions which required an 'all in one' remote control.

I began to follow the instructions but after about the third step (where I was asked to punch in 0-5-3-3) I was then asked to press the tv button at which point the light would blink twice. It did not and I realised it had not worked properly.

 I then tried to use the original remote that came with the tv set (an LG 32LX2R) but it no longer worked. I believe that when performing the hacking operation, pressing the dvd button had not worked and I had actually been altering the tv settings as opposed to the dvd player.

 Somehow I have altered the factory settings that align with the original remote control and now need to find out how to bring it back to its original state. To switch off the tv now I have to do it manually. To change channels I have to use the set top box remote. Otherwise the set works fine.

Any ideas how I get everything back to how it was before? The remote control i am sure is fine. Its just the settings ithin the tv set itself that can no longer receive signals from its remote.

Thanks, Frank Allen

Larry Dillon
Unplug the TV set from the

Unplug the TV set from the wall and take the batteries out of the remote for at least a few hours. let go from there.

Frank Allen
Larry Dillon said: Unplug the

Larry Dillon said: Unplug the TV set from the wall and take the batteries out of the remote for at least a few hours. let go from there.

Thanks. I`ll try that and let you know what happens later.


Frank Allen
Larry Dillon said: cool

Larry Dillon said: cool

I wasn`t sure how long 'at least a few hours' was so I left the set off and remote batteries out for 7 hours. Tried it again. Still the same. Had to switch the set on manually. And the remote doesn`t operate anything on the tv.

I`m just off out fo something to eat so I`ll check my messages when I get in and see if you have any ideas on where to go from here.

Larry Dillon
You have to unplug the set

You have to unplug the set not just turn it off my friend

Frank Allen
Larry Dillon said: You have

Larry Dillon said: You have to unplug the set not just turn it off my friend

Hi Larry,

somehow my last reply doesn`t seem to be on here. I did in fact reply to your last message explaining that I did actually unplug the set totally as requested (sorry , phrasing was bad) but no luck. So any ideas how we progress from here? Don`t know where the lost messages are going. That`s twice I`ve replied and it`s been missing from the site. Sorry.


Frank Allen
Frank Allen said: Larry

Frank Allen said:

Larry Dillon said: You have to unplug the set not just turn it off my friend

Hi Larry, somehow my last reply doesn`t seem to be on here. I did in fact reply to your last message explaining that I did actually unplug the set totally as requested (sorry , phrasing was bad) but no luck. So any ideas how we progress from here? Don`t know where the lost messages are going. That`s twice I`ve replied and it`s been missing from the site. Sorry. Frank.

Hi Larry. Any more thoughts on how to solve the problem? Haven`t heard from you so maybe you`re stuck. Go to head to Birmingham for the rest of the day but Ill check the sit when I get home. Cheers. Frank.

Larry Dillon
no I am sorry my friend, you

no I am sorry my friend, you will need to cantact an authorized repair depot and ask them or find the servicers of the unit.

Frank Allen
Larry Dillon said: no I am

Larry Dillon said: no I am sorry my friend, you will need to cantact an authorized repair depot and ask them or find the servicers of the unit.

Ok. Thanks for your help. And if there`s anyone else out there who has any idea about solving the problem do get in touch.

I responded to your other

I responded to your other post. I'll respond here as well.

As much as you want to believe what you've done is screw up your LG set with that universal remote.  You didn't, it's merely a coincidence that the set or the remote has failed at this time.

Here's why.  All you did in the instructions was merely set the remote to work with a Sony DVD player.  This is an internal function of the universal remote and at no time during your programming of the remote was it sending out a signal.

 For that to have screwed up your set you would've had to:

1. Setup the remote to operate the TV set.

2. In the course of that little operation you did above, somehow screw it up and wind up causing the TV set to no longer respond to the remote (I'm not even sure that's possible)

Your best bet is to check the batteries by replacing them.  If that doesn't fix it,  take the remote to a repair shop and have them check the remote to see if it's even sending out a signal.  Last but not least, if that doesn't work, take the set to the shop for a diagnosis. 

I found this thread while

I found this thread while looking for the answer to a similar problem -  the remote to my panasonic tv was not working. No matter what button I pushed on the tv remote, the Samsung DVD player above the tv would turn on or off. I assumed that my 2-year old pushed a bunch of buttons & messed it up, but I could not find any solution anywhere to fix the problem or restore factory settings.  (The tv remote had never been programmed to work with the dvd player and yes, i pushed the tv button before trying to use it with the tv...)  Anyway, I later found the remote to the dvd player crammed between the couch cushions pointing at the tv & dvd player.  As soon as I took it out, the tv remote worked just fine again.  How is this possible?  The tv remote had never been programmed to the dvd player & why would the dvd remote shoved in the cushions interfere with the tv remote and the tv???

If the remote that was

If the remote that was crammed in the couch was transmitting, the infra red signal even though it was not correct for the tv had to be processed by the tv. Then rejected, also if you have two inferred source signals aimed at the same sensor they will interfere with each other and prevent the remote from working correctly.



My LG remote for the tv has stopped working? have changed battires??


Larry Dillon
The best way to test a remote

The best way to test a remote hand controller is to point the remote at a video camera while you press a button on the remote. you should see a blue light comming out of the end of it. If you do not you will need to replace the remote.

Thanks Larry I will try that

Thanks Larry I will try that !!! Cheers ! Fingers crossed

I also unplugged tv and

I also unplugged tv and remove batteries for about and hour and it works !!! Thanks so much for the help !!!!!



My LG remote for the tv has stopped working? have changed battires??


Larry Dillon
The best way to test a remote

The best way to test a remote hand controller is to point the remote at a video camera while you press a button on the remote. you should see a blue light comming out of the end of it. If you do not you will need to replace the remote.

Thanks Larry I will try that

Thanks Larry I will try that !!! Cheers ! Fingers crossed

I also unplugged tv and

I also unplugged tv and remove batteries for about and hour and it works !!! Thanks so much for the help !!!!!

My LG plasma remote for my tv

My LG plasma remote for my tv set is not working, and the tv stuck on HDTV so im unable to get lower channels.i cant get to watch tv from 2 to 70 .what should i do. thank you

1. Press down TV POWER button

1. Press down TV POWER button on the remote
2. Then click one of digit (code)
3. Get up TV POWER button

Codes for TV:
LG = 1, 2
Zenith = 1, 3, 4
Samsung = 6, 7
Sony = 8, 9
Hitachi = 4

I have a 52 inch plasma LG tv

I have a 52 inch plasma LG tv. It was working ok until I tried to hook up my acoustic guitar to the audio input. I wanted to see if I can get an amplified sound from the tv. The guitar sound did not amplify so I gave up.

However, now the tv remote does not work. I can flip channels from the cable remote but cannot change tv channels and the sound volume. Also, I have to turn on and off the tv manually. Any idea what might be wrong?

I have a 52 inch plasma LG tv

I have a 52 inch plasma LG tv. It was working ok until I tried to hook up my acoustic guitar to the audio input. I wanted to see if I can am plify the sound of the guitar from the tv. The guitar sound did not amplify so I gave up.

However, now the tv remote does not work. I can flip channels from the cable remote but cannot change tv channels and the sound volume. Also, I have to turn on and off the tv manually. Any idea what might be wrong?

I have same problems with my

I have same problems with my remote control, please help

my LG remote control is not

my LG remote control is not working my 52 inches plasm LG TV. I am unable to do anything but manually. any ideas????

Hey there Ignorance,

Hey there Ignorance,

I called the LG service and they asked me to turn off the TV, unplug everything and press the power button on the tv for 45 secs. Apparently, this resets the TV settings. This still did not work for me.

It had been about a week and I was switching the tv on and off manually. Then all of a sudden yesterday (xmas day), the tv remote started working. I do not really know what I did! The only thing I did was play around with the menu button below the tv the previous evening. It had not worked so I had given up. I am sorry I cannot give you the exact solution I did but if your tv is working fine and you have checked the remote batteries, most probably, you have just accidentally altered some setting on the tv.

So I recommend that you play around with the menu button on the tv and hopefully it will work. Good luck.

Happy holidays!


happy holidayss......now i

happy holidayss......now i have to play with this toy again.....errrrrrrrrrr



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