PT-53WX54J Panasonic Big Screen Repair Help

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PT-53WX54J Panasonic Big Screen Repair Help

Hey guy, I have a 3 year olf Panasonic PT-53WX54J Big Screen HDTV.  The set is still functional, and can still be used, but there are some issued I would like to address. Now onto the problem

 When the set is first turned on, picture and sound come up, but the picture itself is bad.  You can see the program that the TV is on, but there is a nasty blue glow to everything and there are blue and green vertical lines running down the screen.  Some areas of view, depending on what is being shown, seem to be OK, but the rest of the screen has the same problem as above.  If when turned on, and then turned off, and again turned on once more about a minute later, the problem usually rectifies itself within 5 to 10 minutes, and from then on will work flawlessly unless turned off again, and then the fiasco starts all over again.

 I know that word of mouth is hard to go off of, but I will try to add pictures later.  Any help or advice on what could be done would really be appreciated.

i have the same problem

i have the same problem multiple color on screen and vibrate on my pt53wx54j I dont know what to do


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