Zenith XBV342 VCR/DVD source problem

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Zenith XBV342 VCR/DVD source problem

Our Zenith VCR/DVD player keeps defaulting to "TV" as the source, rather than CTV. That means that when we program the VCR for the upper channels, all we get is static.

We keep resetting it, but it changes itself. Any help?


Matt Whitlock
Do you cut the power to the

Do you cut the power to the display entirely when it's off? For example, many times when I hear this, it's discovered that the TV is plugged into an outlet that's controlled by a light switch. Check for something similar.

Thanks for the reply. It's

Thanks for the reply.

It's plugged into a UPS right now. I'll check to see if it's OK. First I'll plug it directly into the outlet & see if that does anything. Let you know when I find out.



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