solder advice...dislodged coaxial jack from rear of VCR

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solder advice...dislodged coaxial jack from rear of VCR

I'm referencing the "Into VCR" connector. It appears to attach to the side of the mainboard.

Everything is still in tact, but where do I solder the connector back to the mainboard?

And how is this achieved, I've never soldered electronics before? What equipment should I purchase? Much appreciated.


Matt Whitlock
If you've never worked on

If you've never worked on electronics before, I would not recommend buying a soldering iron and diving in on the real thing. You could cause additional damage to the component you're working on, thus defeating the purpose.

It may not be as easy as soldering the old connector back on, but I can't really say without seeing it. If you know someone that has experience in this field (even basic experience) you should ask them to help you with this.


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