How Did TechLore Help You?

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The TechLore Team
How Did TechLore Help You?

This is the forum thread to post comments from the TechLore Team Blog entry, "How has TechLore Helped You?".

Please share your experiences and thoughts about TechLore with us. If you choose, please share a brief testimonial for others who may be interested in joining the TechLore Community.

Tie Guy
Are you guys kidding! How

Are you guys kidding! How HASN'T TechLore helped me! One thing I just learned is that I stumbled on to your site only 9 days after your launch! I thought this site had been online for much longer than 9 days...more like a year!

TechLore has an amazing amount of information available, especially if you consider that TechLore has only been around for six months. The folks involved in the community are very friendly and willing to help.

The addition of new features has made using the site much better. The addition of forums and blogs has made the site much better than just having articles. In fact, it's hard to remember what TechLore was like without them! TechLore also has the best search tool of any site like it. Most other CE sites I hang at make you search sections of the site individually, but TechLore integrates it into one, which is very convenient. Okay, I could go on and on.

To specifically answer your questions:

Did you find an answer to your question?N/A. I joined TechLore because I liked the articles that I read.
Did you learn something from an article or quick tip? Tons. I had never been able to hook up my PC to my TV until I read about it here.
Did you get something out of a discussion you had with another member?Absolutely. Some of the discussions around here are just as good as an article once they get going.
Did you recommend or mention TechLore to a friend or family member?They're all tired of hearing about it. Actually, how do you get a TechLore T-shirt or hat?
Did you link to us from your personal homepage?Don't have one, but I would if I did.

Here's a testimonial for you; " is evolving the community experience from simple message boards into a true community experience that's about the members." I could also go with the classic, "TechLore... it's better than sliced bread."


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