Circuit City Receipts

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Matt Whitlock
Circuit City Receipts

Has anyone noticed how massive the receipts are at Circuit City? I bought one small PS2 accessory there, and received a receipt that's 4.5 inches wide and nearly 2 feet long. They must go through more thermal paper than any other retailer.

The other strange thing is that the return guarantee is printed all over the back, but yet they choose to print it on the front as well.


I went to Best Buy today and

I went to Best Buy today and thought they must be printing out a rebate for me or something since the receipt there was so long...

Went to Comp USA and bought a

Went to Comp USA and bought a new palm zire 72. Had a great rebate. Only problem was the zire didn't work. To get the rebate, you have to send in the original upc. If the zire doesn't work, you need the original upc. Needless to say, compusa told me there was nothing they could do. I told them they could just go in back, get another one, and exchange it. (Mind you, this zire never worked, not once. I was taking it back the next day.) Compusa told me, if they did that, they would be out the cost of the zire. Asked them, I should be out the cost a piece of equipment that never worked? They replaced it, and I haven't been back.

Tie Guy
I can't even believe they

I can't even believe they tried to get away with it. Of course, the not-so-ethical way around it would be to purchase another one, swap the units, and return it. They usually never check to make sure the serial number matches the unit in the box. I'm glad they did it for you. Score one for the little guy!


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