News, Rumors, and Trends

Redbox Launches $2 Video Game Rentals


Hands on the iPhone SlingPlayer 1.1


The Limits of Online Video

Dollhouse Epitaph 1

Last night I had one of those moments – scratch that, one of those hours – which illustrates exactly why TV is still the best medium for television shows. I’m a big fan of Hulu, and I love that I can catch the occasional old episode of Bones or Thirty Rock on my netbook while hitting the treadmill or cleaning the kitchen. However, by far the best TV experience for me still comes from pointing my remote at the big screen in my living room. Here’s why.

Hands On the Netgear MoCA Networking Kit


For a few years I have been on a quest to reliably stream HD video from my NAS to my TV. I’ve tried both Powerline and draft 802.11n wireless solutions, but neither has proven sufficient. Which is I was excited to see Netgear release the MCAB1001 MoCA Coax-Ethernet Adapter Kit (~$200). I used to build out 10Base2 networks back in the day, so why not use the existing coaxial cable running through my home to move data?

Digital Media Bytes: Last100 Edition

A periodic roundup of relevant news… from our friends at Last100:


Creative announces Android-based PMP platform, goes head to head with Apple’s iPod touch
In all areas the Zii EGG matches or beats Apple’s iPod touch, the product it’s clearly designed to compete with. But what’s interesting is that Creative have decided to do this with the help of OEMs rather than going it alone.

Zune HD Pre-Ordering Now Available



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