Mitsubishi WS65869 Flashing Green Light

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Larry, could you email me the

Larry, could you email me the instructions for the green light of death. my set is a ws-65869. also just incase this does not work any ideas what else it could be. thanks.. [email protected]

I replaced the convergence IC

I replaced the convergence IC (second time in about a year) and now I have the power up for two second issue. Can you send repair instructions my way.

Thank you very much

Can you please send me the

Can you please send me the repair instructions also.Thanks

My mitsubishi ws 65869 is

My mitsubishi ws 65869 is having what seems to be a typacle problem with the green light can anyone send me the instructions and repair manual and what ever else I need to fix this tv I cant afford to buy a new one right now and I just bought this one 2mo. ago *%#% pleas e- mail me [email protected]

I need help with the repair

I need help with the repair info for my mitsubishi ws 65869 blinking green light also, any one my e-mail is [email protected]

The Convergence chip went out

The Convergence chip went out, so I replaced and during my verification I ran it without the heat sink to verify it was ok and it overheated the convergence chip. I then relaced the chip and then started the blinking lite of death :). I replaced all the PICO fuses and now it is back up but the screen is "bowed"

Could this be another bad convergence chip or is there something else that needs to be relace?

Any help would be greatly appreciated..



[email protected]

new here. my friends ws-65869

new here. my friends ws-65869 has the blinking green light of death.tried to find service manual with no luck.any help would be great.i have circuitry experience but there are alot of boards and not sure were to start. thanks in advanced

Larry Dillon
I need to know where to send

I need to know where to send it!!! Give the model again also please.

sorry about that... its a ws

sorry about that... its a ws-65869 and my e-mail is [email protected]. thank you in advanced and
for the reply

i have the same problem

i have the same problem flashing green light on my mitsubishi ws65869 medallion please sen me instructions on how to replase the capacitors that cause this problem thank you for helpe

Larry Dillon

JEFF, I NEED AN E-mail address!! I am not a mind reader man!And again the model number

Larry Dillon

JEFF, I NEED AN E-mail address!! I am not a mind reader man!And again the model number

Larry Dillon

JEFF, I NEED AN E-mail address!! I am not a mind reader man!And again the model number

Larry Dillon,

Larry Dillon,
I was wondering if you could send me the repair manual for W-S 65869 as you have for several others, im getting the blinking green light of death as well... [email protected]

I replaced the capisitors and

I replaced the capisitors and the tv was working fine untill we had a power outage and it started the blinking again, last time it happened I just turned the power off to repair an outlet that was on the same circuit and turned it back on but that time the light stopped blinking for about 30 sec and started again this time its continous model# ws65869

do I need to change the caps. again or is something else wrong?

Yukon Cornelius
No big surprise here, yes, I

No big surprise here, yes, I've got the blinking green light of death on my Mitsubishi WS-65869. If you could please forward the repair manual, I would appreciate it; [email protected].

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hey, I have had this problem

Hey, I have had this problem in the past, primarily after short power outages, but have managed to fix it each time without going in to the TV and tearing it apart then reassembling it. The timer light constantly flashes even if you set it alone after a day. However if you UNPLUG the TV from the wall, let it sit for about 24 hours, reset it, remove the light bulb, replace the light bulb, reset it again, plug it in, and hold the reset button for 15-20 seconds the timer button should blink about 6 or 7 times and then it will stop. This has worked for me three times now and I have not had to remove any DM boards etc. except for the light bulb.

Larry Dillon
I do not think you are

I do not think you are talking about the model that you posted under!!!!!!! As there is no light bulb ib this model??

Yukon Cornelius
Larry, you are the man! I

Larry, you are the man! I replaced the seven capacitors, re-installed the DM Power board and the TV is running like a champ again. I have to admit I was a little sceptical that I would be able to pull this off due to my lack of soldering skills, but it was amazingly easy. If I can do it, anybody can.



I also have a WS-65689 Mit with the blinking green timer light.Could you please sent e-mail repair instructions. Thanks

Larry help. I also have a

Larry help. I also have a 65689 Mit model with the green blinking lights. I would appreciate it if you can e-mail me the repair instruction

[email protected]

Again thanks

Alas, my Mitsubishi WS-65869

Alas, my Mitsubishi WS-65869 has been possessed by the blinking green light of TV madness. (The power went out and I didn't turn the TV off in time before my backup APC -- which I bought to avoid this problem! -- ran out of juice.)

Will someone please send me the holy book of instructions on how to fix the problem with a crusade to RadioShack and procurement of the 7 holy capacitors, that I might install said relics and exorcise said green-blinking demon?

:) I mean not to offend the genuinely religious, only to ... jest.

But I do need the instructions... Please.... [email protected]



I also have a Mitsubishi WS-65869. I don't have the green blinking light problem, but the picture is very dull. I can't bare to watch it in this condition. Will replacing the caps bring life back into my TV as well? Either way, could someone send the repair manual?

Thanks a lot!

Larry, I don't know why you

Larry, I don't know why you are so kind to do this, but I too would sure appreciate your instructions for the Mitsubishi WS-65869.

My Address is [email protected]

God bless you and thank you in advance!

I too have the same problem.

I too have the same problem. Have replaced the 7 capacitors, but the problem remains. If you could email me the instructions and/or inform me on any other common problems, it would be greatly appreciated, Mr. Dillon! :)

[email protected]

nevermind, no longer need the

nevermind, no longer need the instructions. disconnected the front control panel and it works perfectly! :)

WOW. This is a big problem

WOW. This is a big problem and you are such a great help to so many people.
I need your help too, please send me your instructions for my Mitsubishi WS-65909.
Send to: [email protected]

Thank You

Thanks for helping so many

Thanks for helping so many people. I need your help also, would you please send me the instructions to fix mine. WS-65909 To: [email protected]

Thank You


I am also experiencing the blinking green light on my WS65869; could you please email the repair information? Thanks in advance for your time.
[email protected]


I am also experiencing the blinking green light on my WS65869; could you please email the repair information? Thanks for taking your time to do this. It's greatly appreciated.

[email protected]



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