Camcorder won't display image!

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Camcorder won't display image!

When I record I do not see any image on the LCD or viewfinder but I can see that camera is recording because the sound gets recorded. I can however, view pictures I have previoulsy recorded as well as still photos.

Help me.

Tie Guy
Nothing on the viewfinder

Nothing on the viewfinder either...??? Doesn't sound good. You say that both of them work when you try to play back something?

Yes, when I open the LCD on

Yes, when I open the LCD on the TAPE MODE, usually I can get the image at which I point the camera, but this time I do not see any image either on the LCD or the viewfinder as if the lense cover is on, but I take it off and it is the same. All I see is a blank grey screen but with all the control buttons on the screen.

Ron Repking (not verified)
Try and figure out if it's

Try and figure out if it's just your viewfinder that is the problem and you're actually recording video OK. After you record a sample, connect it to the TV or computer and play it back. Here's an article I wrote on connecting it to the TV, in case you don't know how:

Matt Whitlock (not verified)
If you can bring up the

If you can bring up the camcorder's menu in record mode, check to see if there is an option to disable/enable the screen or viewfinder. I can't imagine such a strange toggle, but Sony has done strange things before.

If there isn't an option in the menu, or a button on the camera as a toggle, then you'll have to take it to a shop.

I took a couple of still

I took a couple of still photos and tranferred them to my computer to see what they look like. But it is empty, I mean it was just a blank black area. It is the same with the video. I can only hear the sound but no picture.

Tie Guy
I agree with Matt (he's

I agree with Matt (he's usually right). It sounds like the camcorder is toasted. You should think about replacing it or getting a quote for repair.

No, there is no option such

No, there is no option such as disable or enable on the menu. The operation buttons are all on-screen press-on-buttons.

Ron Repking (not verified)
Yep, a service call sounds in

Yep, a service call sounds in order.

dr baluja
I think you must have got it

I think you must have got it corrected it by now

however this might help  you

 i had exactly the same problem and had tried all you did

i took the camera to sony center

wow they repared it and wow they did not charge anything  though the camera was out of warranty period as they admitted that it was a known manufacturing defect and wont charge anythingh

they also delivered to my place without anycharge


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