
High Speed Camera For Action Shots

A TechLore "Ask the Experts" Question...


I'm in the market for a digital camera to be used to film my kids playing sports (baseball, soccer, gymnastics, basketball, etc.). I already own a great compact digital camera which is great for stills, but is terrible for taking action shots.

I don't necessarily want to spend a ton ($2,000), but would be willing to spend up to $1,000 or so. What are the best sports cameras out today?

Wireless Network Technologies Simply Explained

It seems like only yesterday that there was no such thing as wireless networks. Networking computers together involved hubs, routers, switches, and a whole lot of Ethernet cables. Today, computers can be linked together without wires and cables through the use of wireless networking technology.

How to Fix a Frozen iPod

The 4Gb versions (minis) seem to freeze more than the regular ones. You need to reset the iPod in order to get it functioning again. To reset:

Hold the menu and action (middle button) together.

This should reset the iPod.

I have heard some people mention that occasionally some albums appear to be missing after the reset due to database corruption. I have not witnessed any db corruption on mine so I cannot speak to that issue.



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