Get an Email Verificaiton Failed Message? Read Here

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The TechLore Team
Get an Email Verificaiton Failed Message? Read Here

After you register at TechLore, you are sent an email verification so that we can make sure that your email is correct. When you click on the link in the email to verify, you should be returned to the TechLore with a notice that your account is now active.

In certain instances, you may have received a message that says "Email verification failed. Your account cannot be activated." This may be caused by several things but the biggest reason results from activating your account more than once. For example, accidentally clicking the link twice.

Almost always when you get this error message, your account is already active. Ignore the message and return to the home page and see if that fixes the problem. You should see your display name at the top right hand corner of the screen. If your display name is not there, exit all of the windows of your web browser and relaunch the browser. That should fix the problem. If not, send us an email and we'll be happy to help.


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